Frequently Asked Questions

Hello! If you're here, that means you have some questions about witchcraft or magick in general. If you believe a question is missing, please reach out!

Do all witches worship Satan?

Some witches worship Satan, but the majority of witches do not. Last I checked, it was something like 2% of all witches who are Satanic. With that, it's also important to note that not all Satanic witches believe in Satan as a being; they view Satan as a concept.

What's the difference between witchcraft, Wicca, and Paganism?

In short, witchcraft is a practice. Paganism is a broad term for many polytheistic religions-religions worshipping multiple deities-and includes various religions under that title. Wicca is a Pagan religion. All Wiccans are Pagan witches, but not all witches nor Pagans are Wiccan.

Do I have to be religious to be a witch?

No; secular witchcraft exists.

Do I have to be [insert age, race, gender, genetic line, etc.] to be a witch?

Nope! Witchcraft is open to all rages, genders, ages, etc.

All witches are evil, right?

Nope! Many witches focus on healing and love magic, while some specialize on curses and hexes. Even witches who curse and hex aren't necessarily "evil." In a sense, doing so is the same as seeking or hoping for justice.

What is a closed practice?

Closed practices are ones you must belong to or be initiated into to practice. This includes things like Voodoo, Brujeria, Native magic, etc.

I think I've been cursed because...

It's very rare that a witch will curse you. You have to both know a witch and know a witch with disdain for you in order for that to happen. Cursing takes so much energy-no one is expending that over something petty. Any petty baneful workings wear off on their own. If you're truly concerned about a curse, visit my curse diagnostics page linked in the sidebar to the left (coming soon).

How do I start practicing?

Visit my beginner guide page to the left.